Jules – Interview 24

Jules has experienced depression and social anxiety for many years. She has voluntarily spent time in mental health units over the past 2-3 years. She is seeing a psychiatrist, taking antidepressant medication and receives psychotherapy.

Jules has experienced mental health problems to varying degrees over most of her adult life. She described a family history of depression. Jules returned to study after training as a nurse and has been successful in her academic study and career since returning to study after marrying.

Jules first experience with mental health came about when she suffered post-traumatic stress following a traumatic caesarean, where she was given an anaesthetic incorrectly. She was diagnosed in 2004 with depression and social anxiety and, subsequently, increasing agoraphobia. She sees her GP, psychiatrist and an outreach worker each week.

She first took anti-depressant medication on the day her husband was killed in a car accident. After her husband’s death, Jules developed an alcohol dependence that she has since overcome. Jules has voluntarily spent time in mental health units over the past 2-3 years, which she describes as predominantly positive experiences, but at the same time, unhelpful in terms of certain aspects of care and treatment. Jules is passionate about the quality of care for persons with mental health problems, particularly given her background in nursing.

Currently Jules is being weaned off an anti-depressant medication that she has not found effective and is unhappy with certain side effects. She will try a different one, which both Jules and her psychiatrist agree is the final anti-depressant medication she will try.

Jules is completing a PhD, which she has found both exhilarating but also stressful because she didn’t have anyone with whom to share the excitement of her research. Over more recent years, she has experienced quite serious depression and social anxiety that means she can spend many days at home and she avoids social activities. Jules considers resuming everyday interactions and activities as part of her recovery.

Jules; hopes for the future include completing her PhD and contributing to the quality of care for people with mental health problems. She would like to return to her previous work as a consultant. She is also looking forward to seeing her grandchildren grow up.

Jules did not consider herself as being in recovery, and talked about the signs that would…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

Jules structured her medical appointments in such a way that most days she had a reason to leave…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

Jules was given antidepressants by her GP without asking for them following her husbands death…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

Jules actively maintained a strong sense of self in hospital, adopting an assertive relationship…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

Since childhood, Jules had felt like an outsider in her own family.

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

In addition to various traumatic life experiences, Jules identified feelings of loneliness as…

Age at interview 61

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55