John – Interview 15
John feels that a good night’s sleep for him would be about 7 hours, and the amount of sleep he gets is important to him, even if it is interrupted. Currently John feels he only gets about 5 to 6 hours sleep and would like to get more, but would not seek help from his doctor until he felt lack of sleep impacted on whether he could drive safely. John tries to avoid sleeping during the day because he feels it will impact on how well he sleeps at night.
John is married and has four children, who have all left home. John currently works part-time as a driving test-centre administrator.
John’s disturbed nights go back, he believes, to when he had to have heart surgery some 15 years ago. Since then he has found he doesn’t get as much sleep at night as he used to. Although John is a little concerned about how little he sleeps, he doesn’t feel this causes him too many problems and would only seek professional help if it interfered with his driving.
If John did have a particularly bad night, he may get up and come downstairs and watch the television or read a book, but would try very hard not to sleep during the next day so that he ensures a good night the following evening.
One strategy John uses to help him sleep is to count sheep, or memorise a series of words which he sometimes finds helps him fall asleep. He does, however, find it often takes him half an hour or more to fall asleep most nights.