Jeff V
Jeff’s first attack of gout occurred while he was abroad on holiday. He has had attacks in his foot and knee. Jeff takes 300mg allopurinol every day. He occasionally gets attacks, mainly when on holiday, and manages these by taking indometacin tablets.
In 1997, Jeff was on holiday in Sri Lanka when he woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in his left foot. He was in so much pain that he strapped a cold, wet towel to his foot to try and relieve the pain. During the next day, other people Jeff met saw that he was limping, and after discussions with them, Jeff concluded that he might have gout. He spoke to a group of American acupuncturists who were staying at the same complex, and they did some acupuncture for Jeff which reduced the pain. However, within a day the pain came back. At the end of his holiday, Jeff had to fly back to the UK without his shoe on because the pain was so bad.
When Jeff got back to the UK, he went to see his GP who tested his levels of uric acid and prescribed indomethacin. The pain eventually went away, but Jeff then continued to get attacks of gout in his feet and his knee every few weeks. The GP suggested that Jeff took a daily tablet to prevent the attacks, and prescribed allopurionol. Following the GP’s advice, Jeff initially took 100mg, and then increased the dose to 200mg and then 300mg over a period of two or three months. During this time, the pain got worse, and Jeff felt very frustrated. He believes that if his GP had explained what would happen, he would have known what to expect and would have been less frustrated. After about three months, Jeff was able to stop taking painkillers, but continued to take allopurinol on a daily basis.
Jeff does not like taking tablets because he worries about the long-term damage that they might do, but he is willing to take medication that he believes is necessary. He has learnt that the best way of managing his attacks of gout is to take an indometacin tablet as soon as he feels a twinge, because it shortens the attack. Jeff’s attacks now generally last for about a day, compared to two or three days when he was first diagnosed. He has had two attacks in the last 12 months.
Jeff has not made any major changes to his lifestyle since he has been diagnosed with gout. He feels that the allopurinol keeps his gout under control, but he does occasionally get attacks often when he goes away on holiday. The attacks that Jeff now experiences are not as intense as when he was first diagnosed with gout, and the pain centres more around the arch of his foot rather than his big toe. He takes indomethacin tablets away with him on holiday in case he gets an attack.
Jeff feels that he knows how to cope with a flare up of gout, and keeps a supply of indometacin tablets so that he does not have to visit his GP if he gets an attack.