
Name: Jaz

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Jaz is a 34 year old trans woman. She says she had like an interest or engagement with femininity from like a really young age She started the coming out process to friends at school at the age of 14/15. However, there was very little available information on the healthcare options at this time. Jaz says that at the age of 18 she was able to find her trans community which helped her get a much broader sense of like what trans could be, in terms of like multiplicity of identities

Jaz describes her experience of the NHS Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) as terrible She experienced delayed treatment, delayed appointments and lengthy waiting lists. This led to her seeking out private healthcare. She says that GP’s knowledge of trans healthcare is patch. Jaz emphasises the need for an informed consent model of healthcare where GPs could prescribe hormones without the need for GICs. Jaz says that the healthcare system is centered around whitenes and has experienced different forms of racism in healthcare as a trans person of colour.

Jaz feels that I think a lot of trans youth have a really good understanding of what they are, and what they need, might nee. Her advice for trans youth is to have faith in yourself, trust yourself. Trust your, trust your knowledge. Try and trust what you;re, what you know and what your body might be telling you

Jaz would like trans people to “not have to jump through hoops in order to acquire the things that we need” and “healthcare built around trans people’s knowledge”.

Age at interview 33

Jaz talks about how the trans healthcare system is rooted in a conservative Eurocentric idea of gender.

Age at interview 33

Jaz talks about disablism in healthcare and the need for depathologised services.

Age at interview 33

Jaz criticises the idea of being “born in the wrong body” and welcomes “a multiplicity of trans narratives”.

Age at interview 33

Jaz talks about finding information about gender confirmation surgery “saturated with whiteness” and seeing no representation of people of colour.

Age at interview 33