Interview 50

His newborn child was diagnosed with HIV, and he and his wife were both subsequently diagnosed with HIV too. His family is in good health and his child is prospering with support from the NHS. (Video and audio clips read by an actor.)

Age at interview: 40

Age at diagnosis: 35

Sex: Male

Background: A 40 year-old married black African man with two children, who was born in the UK and is working full-time.

Outline:A 40 year-old married black African man with two children, who was born in the UK and is working full-time. His new born child was diagnosed with HIV after contracting PCP (pneumonia) in 2000. He and his wife were both subsequently diagnosed with HIV. They decided early on not to blame each other for HIV, and the marriage has survived and provided enormous support. Only one sister-law knows about their HIV status, otherwise they keep their HIV status to themselves. He knows that he will have to disclose to his child about their HIV status before the child becomes a teenager and sexually active. He is currently taking Kaletra, ddI, Telzir (fosamprenavir) and Septrin. While his T cells are not as high as he would like, his family is in good health, his child is prospering, and he believes he himself would be dead now without the support of the NHS.

(Video and audio clips read by an actor.)

He was struggling with keeping HIV secret and how to tell his child that the whole family is HIV…

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35

A husband and wife who both had HIV tried to find the humour in nursing their child who was ill…

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35