Interview 49

Caesarean section, cracked nipples, blocked ducts and mastitis. Breastfed exclusively for 26 weeks before introducing finger foods. Trying to cut out night feeds.

This woman is enjoying motherhood and wishes that she had become a mother sooner. She says that she feels as if she has been let into one of life’s big secrets. She lives in a satellite town away from family and friends and is one of only a few women in her area who are breastfeeding so it has been hard to find local support. She travels to another town about 15 minutes drive away for support group meetings. She is keen to support other local women who wish to breastfeed their babies. She gained a lot of her knowledge from the internet prior to the baby’s birth and learned to discriminate between various websites, identifying other peoples opinions and experiences from factual information. She had one very special night in the hospital when she had skin-skin contact with her baby and just fed him all night. She hardly noticed her milk coming in the next day. For her, overcoming the problems that she had was just part of breastfeeding. The important thing was that she was feeding her baby herself. She was determined to exclusively breastfeed her baby for twenty-six weeks, in spite of advice to introduce baby rice when the baby’s weight gain plateaued just before that time. Her mother was very supportive and even sent her a congratulatory card when she achieved that goal. She expressed breastmilk and stored it in the freezer so that her husband or other relatives could feed the baby occasionally.

An invaluable piece of advice from a midwife allowed her to feel comfortable feeding all night….

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

She discussed unhelpful attitudes towards breastfeeding and some ways of encouraging and…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Understanding her let-down reflex and how it worked helped her to mimic the baby’s action when…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

She made sure that she fed her baby with his chin towards the area of the blocked duct in her…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

On the third night in hospital she had a special night of skin-skin contact with her baby and…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

She was sent home from the hospital with a goody bag of painkillers and was confused about what…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Her baby took quite a while to suck after a caesarean birth.

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

The internet was particularly important for information and contact with other women via a forum…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Her baby’s weight gain slowed at about four months of age which she thinks is typical of…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female