Interview 45

Loves breastfeeding despite painful beginning. Used nipple shields. Hates being separated from her baby. Feeding time is family time. Husband works away from home during week.

Born in Colombia, where breastfeeding is common place although never seen in public, this woman met her husband while working in Britain and they moved to a new town towards the end of her pregnancy. She developed pre-eclampsia, resulting in a ventouse aided birth, and was unable to feed her baby for several hours after the birth. This worried her as she was aware of the advice to feed as soon as possible after the birth and was afraid that the baby would not know what to do. It took them a long time to learn to breastfeed and to overcome sore and cracked nipples. Her parents and sister came from Colombia to look after her in the early days and she says that ‘the most important thing is that they were sharing the most important part of [her] life’. Her mother was a great help with lots of suggestions for breastfeeding, including appropriate weaning foods and traditional remedies for colic. It was a hot summer when the baby was little and she discusses the effect that had upon breastfeeding patterns. She is very emotional when talking about how much she enjoys breastfeeding and the love that she has for her family of origin and her new family, saying that she is more dependent upon her son than he is upon her. Her husband works in another city and is away all week which she finds very hard. They are trying to sell their house and move closer to his work.

Originally from Colombia, she says that most women breastfeed there. Her mother came to the UK to…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She went back to part-time work and left expressed breast milk for her son. It was easy for him…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She says that the world belongs to her and her baby at night time. Her mother encouraged her to…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She felt very protective towards her son and was nervous about taking him out.

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She was separated from her baby after birth and waited for four hours to breastfeed him. She was…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female