Interview 35

After recurrent miscarriages, first baby born at 23 weeks and spent 5 months in intensive care. Next pregnancy closely supervised including 10 weeks as an inpatient. Baby born healthy at 37 weeks.

She was shocked to go into labour at 22 weeks and afraid the baby would not survive. He spent 5…

Age at interview 42

Gender Female

It took a long time to feel attached to the baby when he was in special care. She found it hard…

Age at interview 42

Gender Female

In her most recent pregnancy she was afraid of going into labour early again. After an accident…

Age at interview 42

Gender Female

After three miscarriages, investigations showed she had a blood clotting disorder. It was a…

Age at interview 42

Gender Female

In her most recent pregnancy she took medication for the blood clotting disorder and also had a…

Age at interview 42

Gender Female