Interview 32
She had a stroke due to a clot at the age of 88. The stroke caused weakness and cold sensitivity in her left hand and problems with eating and drinking. Medication’ Antibiotics.
This woman had a stroke due to a clot blocking the flow of blood to the right hand side of her brain when she was 88 she is now 89. The stroke has caused some weakness of her left hand. Her hand has also become very sensitive to cold and she now has to constantly wear a glove to prevent the hand from becoming painful. She has also experienced some facial weakness and weakness of her throat muscles which initially made it difficult to drink and eat.
The hospital inserted a device called a peg which could deliver food directly to her stomach but in the end she was able to eat okay. Initially she had to have all her food pureed and had to use a thickener in her drink. She didn’t like this and was pleased when she was able to get back to a normal diet.
She was in hospital after her stroke and feels that the care that she received was excellent. She was given some exercises in physiotherapy to help her hand movement and also had some heat treatment on her hand.
She lives alone although her friends and family visit regularly. Since leaving hospital she has had a daily carer to help her around the home and help with her meals this has worked out very well.