Interview 26

Diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2005 after an abdominal growth caused her discomfort. Other symptoms included a cyst on her neck and hot flushes. Treated with chemotherapy and rituximab. In remission.

A cyst appeared on her neck which, at the time, she attributed to stress. Eventually it was biopsied by which time it had nearly gone and nothing cancerous was found. One year later she experienced tummy ache which a locum GP attributed to indigestion. The second time she consulted, her GP sent her for an ultrasound scan which revealed a growth in her abdomen close to her pancreas.

The specialist suspected either pancreatic cancer or lymphoma and sent her for blood tests and a CT scan, which confirmed it was not pancreatic cancer. To confirm his suspicions of lymphoma she was sent for a biopsy. She had not heard of lymphoma and when told it was treatable with chemotherapy did not initially realise it was cancer. While waiting for the pathology results she developed a bad chest infection. Eventually it was confirmed that she had follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

She was also experiencing hot flushes around the same time as her investigations, which she attributed to the menopause. She was given eight treatments of RVP chemotherapy with rituximab, which stopped the hot flushes and put her into remission.

Was very upset when her much wanted first treatment was delayed, and at her second treatment when…

Age at interview 54

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 54

Originally suspected of having pancreatic cancer, she was relieved when told she actually had…

Age at interview 54

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 54

Could be given rituximab as first line treatment before it was generally available because she…

Age at interview 54

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 54