Interview 25

Special Care separation from 1st baby emotionally difficult. Got into cycle of engorgement, expressing, mastitis, too much milk for six months. Has not expressed for second baby.

Originally from France, this woman has lived in Britain for sixteen years and is married to an Englishman. Her French female relatives all breastfed and her sister-law donated breastmilk to a milk bank for a long time after her children had stopped breastfeeding, so she thinks that was partially influential in her determination to breastfeed. She says that in France there is a lot of advertising of infant formula in magazines. Companies send pamphlets and free samples of milk powder through the post to new mothers and the temptation to introduce a bottle at a difficult moment is too great. She thinks that motherhood is a ‘world within a world’ and can be very isolating. For her, it is important to meet regularly with other mothers to share experiences of breastfeeding and parenting. She also thinks that health professionals and supporters need to listen to a woman’s story because her emotional state will affect the way that she positions her body and her baby. Breastfeeding is ‘not a technique, it is an experience’ and giving lots of advice can appear cold and heartless and increase the tension if things are not going well. ‘You must meet the woman before you meet the breast and the baby’ she says. When she is breastfeeding her breasts are sensual rather than sexual. She sees breastfeeding ‘as an act of giving’ and enjoys ‘reclaiming her body’ after childbirth by beginning her normal exercise routines again. When she exercises she is doing something for herself and that creates a good balance for the whole family.

At first, she and her husband did not know how to relate to her breasts which she saw as sensual…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She felt that regular weighing of her baby was a judgement on her so she stopped going….

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She thought that the best environment for breastfeeding was in a supportive community and was…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She had two very different experiences of breastfeeding after a caesarean section. Positioning…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Breastfeeding was physically demanding and she was keen to begin exercising again to maintain her…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She began expressing to deal with engorgement and mastitis and continued to do so for six months….

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Her mother combined breastfeeding with bottle feeding and she saw her sister-law breastfeeding…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She said that breastfeeding is not a technique, it is an experience and that professionals need…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

She is in total harmony with her eight week old baby’s feeding pattern in contrast to her…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Meeting with other women to share experiences has been important in helping her to adapt to…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female