Interview 22
Difficulty with latch-on; poor weight gain; mixed breastfeeding and bottle feeding (expressed breast milk and formula); baby on regular 6 feeds during the day.
This woman said that she’d ‘figured that people are mammals and mammals have been around for millions of years and they’ve had no problems breastfeeding so why should I have any problems. She had also seen women feeding in cafes and supermarkets and they seemed comfortable and happy, so it came as a real shock when she found the first eight weeks of breastfeeding very hard. The other revelation for her was how little her medical training had prepared her for the realities of breastfeeding. She knew about all the benefits for the mother and baby and how the lactating breast functioned but nothing about how to breastfeed or how to teach somebody to breastfeed. At first she felt like a failure when things were going wrong (sore and cracked nipples, a fussy baby who gained weight slowly) until she attended a breastfeeding clinic and met other women who were also struggling. Eventually, she and the baby settled into a pattern, that suited the family, of six feeds per day at set times and no night time feeds. She feeds the baby at both breasts first, then she expresses her breasts and offers the baby a top-up bottle of expressed breast milk. When the baby was not gaining weight she offered top-up bottles of infant formula and believes that at that time it was exactly the right thing to do while she got breastfeeding ‘back on track’. Often the baby’s father gives her the top-up bottle so that he can experience feeding as well. The baby is happy with this pattern and gaining weight.