Interview 15

He is determined not to let HIV rule his life. He takes Sustiva/Combivir with no current side effects. He exercises and is careful about his diet to stay healthy. (Video and audio clips read by an actor.)

Age at interview: 36

Age at diagnosis: 31

Sex: Male

Background: A gay man born in the Caribbean who immigrated to the UK. He was diagnosed in 2000 and believes he was infected by a partner in a relationship.

Outline:A gay man born in the Caribbean who immigrated to the UK. He was diagnosed in 2000 and believes he was infected by a partner in a relationship after not always using condoms in the ‘heat of the moment’.

Although he feels some shame about his HIV status, he has a ‘fighting spirit’ and is determined not to let HIV rule his life. He takes Sustiva/Combivir with no current side-effects, his T cells are currently 600, and his viral load is undetectable. He exercises and is careful about his diet to stay healthy.

(Video and audio clips read by an actor.)

Feels he contracted HIV from a partner who was not aware of their HIV infection. (Read by an actor.)

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 28

He met a man who seemed to avoid him because of his HIV status. (Read by an actor.)

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 28

He is flexible and very successful with taking his medication. (Read by an actor.)

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 28

Says a fighting spirit to get on with everyday life is a secret of his success. (Read by an actor.)

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 28

His partner tested positive with HIV so he prepared himself for being positive also. (Read by an…

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 28