Interview 13

Young, single mother. Pregnancy unplanned. Well supported by family. Had Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (pelvic pain) and cholestasis (liver problem) during pregnancy.

She enjoys being back at work part-time because it gets her out of the house and talking to other…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

She split up from her partner when she got pregnant, because she could not cope with him as well…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

She had very painful symphysis pubis disorder (pelvic joint pain) and used a back brace and…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

She had terrible itching which was treated as an allergy at first, until a doctor diagnosed…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

The responsibility of caring for her daughter was overwhelming at first, but she was determined…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

She preferred one midwife who took time to explain things in a way she could understand. (Played…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

Professionals should use clearer language and not talk down to younger women. Pregnancy books…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

It was emotional feeling the baby kick, but she hated feeling so big. (Played by an actor.)

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

She tended to get very emotional and angry with her family during pregnancy. (Played by an actor.)

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

Discovering she was pregnant unexpectedly was a big shock – she was upset to have to cancel plans…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

For the first few weeks she felt she did not want the baby, but seeing the baby at the first scan…

Age at interview 20

Gender Female