Interview 11

Her husband was diagnosed with pneumonia. She was happy with the nursing care he received in ICU but concerned about information and one of his treatments.

In 2005 her husband was diagnosed with pneumonia. He spent seventeen days in ICU, during which time she stayed overnight at the hospital with her sister. Her husband caught an infection whilst in ICU and she felt she was given conflicting information from doctors and nurses about whether it was MRSA.

Although she was happy with the care her husband received in ICU, she felt that his medications hadn’t been monitored once he left the Unit and that he was discharged from hospital with one particular drug which he later reacted badly to. He was home only briefly before being admitted to another hospital.

She was disappointed with the conflicting information she received about her husband’s infection and about a medication he was given, and has been discussing her concerns with the health professionals involved in her husband’s care.

Throughout her husband’s stay in hospital she kept a diary. She praised the support she received from her family and felt that their support had helped her get through a very difficult time. Her husband has now almost completely recovered and is back at work.

She felt the medication her husband had been given caused him severe problems and, if she hadn’t…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Throughout her husband’s stay in hospital and afterwards, she received conflicting information…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Before she saw her husband in ICU for the first time, nurses explained everything to her about…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

She wished all hospitals with ICUs also had HDUs so that intensive care patients would not have…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Her husband had problems with his catheter and she felt that better communication would have…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

When her husband’s chest infection deteriorated and he had breathing difficulties, he was…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female