
No details given.

Imogen says that she can’t give any advice to other families but she sometimes regrets saying you can’t starve him to death and she wishes there had been other options.

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Imogen did not want anyone outside the immediate family to see her husband after his accident and felt they did not understand.

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Imogen asked for the feeding tube to be reinserted. He eventually died some time later with untreated gangrene.

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Imogen was asked whether she wanted doctors to treat her husband (as if they needed her permission, which they did not). Although they explained the possible negative outcomes she just believed that he would be OK.

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Michael had been moved out of the nursing home back into hospital while Imogen was away for the weekend. She had specifically asked that he should not be moved while she was away.

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Imogen spoke to us after her husband had died. Looking back she feels her life was in limbo’ until she could bury him.

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Imogen felt the Court of Protection owned’ her husband and she felt under scrutiny.

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Imogen talks about that horrible expression – the permanently vegetative state which was her husband’s diagnosis.

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Imogen’s husband was hit by a car as he helped friends reverse out of their driveway while Imogen stood watching.

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