Gender: Male

Pronouns: He / him

H is a 28 year old trans man. He says he didn’t understand trans identities when he was younger, but looking back now, how he felt makes complete sens. H says growing up he was always a tombo so much so that his mum would say oh it’s basically like I;ve got a so. He used to pray before bed that when he woke up in the morning it would be in the correct body as a boy. However he didn’t have the vocabulary to express himself as trans. there was no information about it then

It wasn’t until 2014 when H was able to do his own research on trans identities that he was able understand how he felt and who he was. H initially struggled to find a GP who was willing to help him during the long waiting time to be seen by the NHS. He tried looking into private healthcare options but found they were too experience. This led him down the path of self-medicating hormones. After some time he was able to negotiate an acceptable price to continue his care privately.

Eventually H was able to be seen by the NHS gender identity clinic and discussed top surgery options but has encountered many frustrating hurdles.

As a black trans man, H has experienced racist as well as transphobic discrimination in healthcare settings and at work. He describes how after a period of homelessness it was a challenge to secure a job and find someone prepared to give me a chanc. He says as a trans person of colour he is less likely to be seen as a huma.

However throughout the periods of struggle and rejection H says he was determined to hold o and hope for something better. He was determined not to be another statistic for the of trans suicides, I have every right to have a good life as anyone else

H says that physically and emotionally hormone therapy has been overwhelmin but overall hormones have made me happier He particularly likes the voice changes and facial hair growth. He says I feel more me now

H regrets not waiting taking the decision to preserve his fertility. He thinks having children and starting a family would be a nice thing to do.

H’s advice to others is to take control of their healthcare and check-up on their referrals.

H talks about the lack of provision of surgeons capable of performing top surgery and the impact this is having.

Age at interview 28

H wants some sort of support while you wait because the wait is very extensive.

Age at interview 28

H’s message to trans youth is “just be unapologetically yourself.” He says “you do you, just life your best life”.

Age at interview 28

H describes media coverage of trans healthcare.

Age at interview 28

H says he was desperate’ to start hormones and did not choose fertility preservation but looking at it now I wish I did just sort it out.

Age at interview 28

H shares his message for other trans people struggling to get support from their families for religious and cultural reasons.

Age at interview 28

H feels that they are less likely to be seen as “a person” as a trans person of colour.

Age at interview 28

‘H’ talks about the lack of mental health support while waiting to be seen by the gender identity services.

Age at interview 28

H describes why after taking hormones he would now like to have top surgery.

Age at interview 28

H reflects on transitioning as an adult and the missed opportunity of starting younger.

Age at interview 28

H talks about the imbalance of power between patient and professional in NHS gender identity care.

Age at interview 28

H shares his experience of the process of NHS GIC appointments and trying to get signed off for surgery.

Age at interview 28

‘H’ talks about trying to get a bridging prescription with his GP

Age at interview 28

H says the guidelines for shared care are very clear. It’s a very simple process that’s been made to be very complex.

Age at interview 28

H talks about his “excellent” and “clued up” current GP service and a previous GP where “I had to give him all the information”.

Age at interview 28

‘H’ reflects on his early experiences of gender and identifying with a trans guy in an internet video.

Age at interview 28

H talks about all the changes he would like to see for trans gender diverse young people at school.

Age at interview 28

‘H’ shares the story of coming out to his friends.

Age at interview 28