Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They / Them

G is non-binary. They have spent many years deciding whether to medically transition and carefully considering the impact hormones will have on them. Part of their decision-making process has been hindered by accessing information from someone who specialises in non-binary transition and hormone therapy.

As part of their transition, they started making changes to their physical appearance including make up, clothing and hairstyles, to make them feel comfortable and to express their gender identity in different ways. Sometimes G really cares about passing and other times they don’t want to put that burden on themselves. They believe there is no wrong way to be trans and it’s important to find ways of loving yourself that don’t involve other people’s approval.

Having an imagined future and seeing how they would potentially fit into the community is an important part of their transition. Contemplating how they would fit into the working world and seeing other trans people being successful in the workplace in other countries has given them hope. They would like to see more publicity of older trans people who have had a happy life and have been successful in their careers.

They would like GPs to have much more knowledge and expertise to provide healthcare for trans people and less focus on trans people educating their GPs. They feel that cost is a huge factor in being able to transition and private trans healthcare is cost prohibitive in being able to ask all the questions you have over a period of time and the number of appointments offered. They would like to see many more resources invested in NHS trans healthcare and a different framework for assessment at gender identity clinics.

‘G’ talks about how they relate to their body and negotiate the power dynamics in sexual relationships.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ talks about the misinformation about puberty blockers and says it makes young people unable to come to an informed decision.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ says “I don’t want anything else after hormones…it depends on how much my face changes because of hormones”.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ reflects on the provision of NHS mental health care in the UK.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ says “there are massive problems with the way that neurodiverse people are treated [in healthcare]”.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ speaks about identifying as non-binary and the transformative impact of finding a “queer commune.”

Age at interview 23

‘G’ talks about their expression of mixing trans masculinity, femininity and experimenting with their appearance.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ talks about their wish for healthcare professionals to be experts in trans healthcare rather than relying on the patient.

Age at interview 23

‘G’ talks about the frustrations they have with private healthcare: “It costs £50 every time you call them”.

Age at interview 23