Frank – Interview 30
Frank retired as a Practice Manager in his 70th year. He likes to keep very active and has had a keen interest in playing bowls for many years. At the time of his interview, Frank felt he was sleeping well, but there have been occasions in his life when he has had some problems sleeping. He is very easy going and tries not to let things worry him too much, but does know that if he has some worries it may affect his sleep.
Frank comes from a large family and is one of 15 children; at the last count he believes he has 59 nephews and nieces! Frank worked up until he was 70, but continues to lead a very busy and active life. He very much believes it is important to keep active and to have an interest which will give you a purpose to get up in the morning. Frank has been a very keen bowls player for many years, and since retirement has played even more. He will play bowls most days and is often out at night either playing or socializing with club members.
When Frank retired, he was pleased that he didn’t have to get up early every morning, but believes he still sleeps the same amount. He will often go to bed quite late, maybe 1 or 2 in the morning, but will then stay in bed longer in the morning. He finds the best routine at night time for him is to put Radio 4 on, and read a book or newspapers. When he starts to feel tired Frank will put down his book and go to sleep listening to the radio, which he sets to automatically turn off.
If he feels tired during the day, Frank may have a short nap, usually after his lunch or evening meal, and especially if there is something boring on the television. He is quite happy to do this because he believes it helps him to get done all the things he needs to do during the day.