
I developed pre-eclampsia 6 months (28/29 weeks) into my first pregnancy. I was induced at 7 months (32 weeks) and vaginally delivered my baby. My son, Beau, stayed in SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) and he was discharged after three weeks.

Dominie was a midwife and had good knowledge about breastfeeding. She described what worked well for her.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie came close to having a caesarean section. Her baby was born following an episiotomy and forceps, which was a bad experience because she hadn’st had sufficient pain-relief.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie explained CPAP and how this is different from being on a ventilator or intubated.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie sometimes found the dynamics in SCBU difficult. But she kept observing and asking the nurses questions. She thought that this, along with her background as a midwife, meant she was allowed more a role in caring for her baby.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

There was a delay before Dominie was able to see her baby. It was a very exhausting time both physically and emotionally.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie was a midwife and her colleagues checked her blood pressure at work when she felt funny. She was sent home but started to feel unwell after visiting family. High blood pressure was picked up during a 32 week antenatal appointment.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie had her urine output monitored in hospital. She had a catheter fitted at first which she didn’st like and also had her water intake restricted.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie took nifedipine tablets as she is asthmatic and labetalol wouldn’st have been suitable.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

Dominie didn’st want to have a caesarean section as she knew she wouldn’st be able to drive for six weeks after the operation and this would make visiting her baby in hospital difficult. She opted for an induction and had a vaginal birth.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24