
I developed symptoms of pre-eclampsia from around 6 months (28 weeks) into my first pregnancy. I was officially diagnosed and had an emergency c-section at 7 months (32 weeks). My baby was sent to SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) and spent six weeks in hospital overall.

Betty went to antenatal classes after having her baby as she wanted the social side, but she had to hold back on sharing her experiences.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty had to sign forms consenting to her caesarean section, but she also felt there were no alternatives and that she was not in the best frame of mind to process information.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty’s husband tried to comfort her in hospital and keep her calm, particularly during the caesarean section.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty described a meeting she had with a consultant about her own health. It was mostly focused on whether she would want more children in the future.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty thought pre-eclampsia was a difficult condition to understand. She found there was contradicting information online and from medical professionals about the chances of developing pre-eclampsia in another pregnancy.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

In the context of considering a second pregnancy, Betty was thinking about sorting out her will. She hoped though that her previous experience would mean she would be monitored closely.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty stayed in a High Dependency Unit for a while but, for various reasons, moved to private-insurance medical care.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty didn’st know for a long time whether her son was likely to survive or not. Living with this uncertainty was hard.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty found SCBU a busy environment. She struggled with difficult emotions, both whilst she was there with her baby and when she was apart from him.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty had positive test results for proteinuria and the samples were sent away for more analysis. She heard back only the once and it was diagnosed as a urinary tract infection. Betty felt these were missed opportunities to flag the start of pre-eclampsia

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37

Betty focused on her husband during the caesarean section. She was sad to have missed out on some things she had wanted for the birth but glad they got to see their son.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 37