Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They / Them
Being a non-binary parent, Beth has often experienced being misgendered in health care and childcare settings. Beth thinks people struggle to understand what non-binary means and do not use pronouns as much because they are uncertain about how to refer to people who are non-binary, particularly as a parent.
During pregnancy, Beth felt unable to ask midwives and healthcare professionals to use non-gendered pronouns and names for fear they may be treated negatively. In childcare settings, Beth tried to get childcare providers to use their correct name and pronouns, but they were often misgendered and it was exhausting having to keep coming out in the moment.
eth would like there to be less of a cisnormative lens on healthcare, more inclusive use of language and more specific use of language to describe aspects of healthcare. They would like health professionals not to make assumptions about people but to ask.
There is no simple medicalised transition for Beth so it is important to find other ways to change their appearance that make them feel comfortable in their body. How they present their gender identity is fluid and changeable and, for them, it is most important to make their body their own.
Beth found online communities helpful as a teenager and believes they are important for young people who cannot access youth groups physically.