B – Interview 19
B is 19 and in college. When she was younger she experienced abuse and she also lost several close family members at a young age. B had a difficult journey to deal with the problems, she was hospitalised several times and she attempted suicide a few times. B says her life turned when she made a decision to want to accept the help and do something with her life. She’s now looking forward to future and expecting a baby. (Zambia).
B is 19 and in college. B says her mental health problems started in her teens, around the age of 15 or 16, when things started going pear shape in her family. B was abused and she had also experienced bereavement of several close family members from a young age. B says things were going downhil; she stopped going out, was feeling more and more depressed and started falling behind in school. She just felt like giving up on everythin.
The school picked up on the change in B’s behaviour and referred her to Connexions and a school counsellor. Until then she hadn’t wanted to talk to anyone about her experiences but with the school counsellor she was finally able to open up about what had been going on. B moved out from home for a while but things were still very unsettled. B took an overdose a few times, was in and out of hospita and a couple of times B was sectioned and treated in a secure psychiatric unit.
B was diagnosed with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia. She says she’s not sure about the schizophrenia diagnosis, but says she’s definitely had depression.
The turning point for B came when she ended up in hospital under sedation after she;d overdosed on several different medicines. The medical staff didn’t know if she;d wake up or not, or would wake up as a cabbag or paralysed. Surviving this was a wake up call for B and it made her think twic about her life and her future; I wanted to do something with my lif. Having lost so many family members, B says made her appreciate her life’ I am still alive and I can still make a differenc.
The journey to deal with her problems and to process the bereavement has been really really difficul for B. She said it’s made her be more open minded about mental health problems and also more emotionally sensitive. She says it’s possible to get better but that you have to want it yoursel. Also being more involved in her care has made a big difference. B is just about to complete her college course and she’s expecting a baby.