
Oliver, aged 2, is Anita’s youngest child and has Downss syndrome and an eye condition called Nystagmus. He has flu like illness symptoms all through winter and sometimes these are severe. Despite this, Oliver is a really happy smiley toddler and loves being around people.

Oliver has Down’s syndrome and an eye condition called Nystagmus. He also has a hole in his heart. Oliver is seen by the consultant and gets regular check-ups from the relevant hospital departments. He is not on medication but has physiotherapy every day. He can’t walk or talk yet.

Since birth Oliver has had frequent bouts of cold and flu-like illness that with various degrees of severity, last throughout the winter months. When ill, Oliver develops a high temperature that can last for two to three days, breathing difficulties, a cough and excess mucus. He has bouts of sickness almost every single day three to four times each day just to clear his chest. Anita says it’s hard to see him coughing and vomiting so much.

For the most part, Anita manages his symptoms at home with medication she buys over the counter but on two occasions he developed eye infectious and he was prescribed antibiotics. She thinks that in general, health professionals tend to be very dismissive of viral illnesses and do not provide information or advice on how to manage an infection. She is of the view that the constant infections have affected the progress Oliver could be making with regard to his walking and speech. Anita uses online parenting forums for children with Down’s syndrome.

Regarding antibiotics, Anita is aware that they do not work if you have a viral infection. But, she recently found out that the child of a friend of hers, who also has Down’s syndrome has been on a small dosage of antibiotics during the winter months and does no longer have infections of the severity or duration that Oliver has. Anita will raise the possibility of prophylactic antibiotic treatment for Oliver when they next see his consultant.

Oliver suffers from sleep apnea and is up throughout the night. Viral infections worsen his condition with him waking up to fifteen times per hour. Anita is hopeful that the removal of the tonsils and adenoids with improve his quality of sleep. An indeed of the whole family!

Oliver is a really happy smiley toddler that likes to be around people and loves going to nursery. His older brothers are brilliant with him.

Oliver usually has similar symptoms when he has flu-like illness. Anita treats him at home rather than go to the GP as she knows antibiotics will not be effective in treating his virus.

Age at interview 41

Gender Female

Anita would prefer doctors to refer to Oliver by his name in letters and notes instead of calling him a Down’s boy.

Age at interview 41

Gender Female