
Alastair, age 31, was diagnosed with asthma at age 10. He is white British, married and works in the police force. Before diagnosis, Alastair found himself getting breathless during or after playing sports. The doctor prescribed a preventer and reliever inhaler. He only experiences symptoms during the summer and describes his asthma as mild.

Alastair was diagnosed with asthma when he was 10 after finding he was getting breathless when playing sports. He was prescribed a preventer and reliever inhaler which worked well to relieve the symptoms. He only ever experiences symptoms in the summer months between June and August and he is aware that his asthma is hay fever related although he doesn’t know what the actual trigger is. He usually finds that symptoms appear in the mornings and evenings. He uses the inhalers during the months that he experiences symptoms but has tended not to use them all year round because he never gets asthma during the winter months. He describes his asthma as mild and an annoyance, rather than something that interferes with his life too much. When he wakes up in summer he will often have difficulty breathing and so takes his inhaler on waking, and at night time before bed and will additionally use the reliever inhaler as and when it is needed. He doesn’t have asthma attacks but just a general feeling of discomfort until the medication kicks in. Exercise is another trigger but still only in summer. He isn’t prevented from taking exercise by his asthma, but may have to take the reliever inhaler half way through.

Alastair goes for a regular asthma review on an annual basis with the asthma nurse, but generally these days he feels in control of his asthma.

Alastair’s asthma is triggered by hay fever. He uses a preventive inhaler from May onwards, and it never gets really bad. Exercise can trigger it too.

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

Alastair has told his employers that he has asthma, but it hasn’t affected his work life.

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

Alastair got very breathless during cross country running at school.

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

When Alastair’s asthma was diagnosed he was given medication and asked to record his peak flow measurement for a period of time.

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

Alastair has mild asthma that only affects him during the summer months. He treats it with an inhaler.

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10