Rihanna – Interview 34

Rihanna suffers from high cholesterol and is very aware of the need to lose weight and do more exercise. Her medical condition is called hyperlipidemia. She goes to hospital every three months and takes statins every day. She also sees a dietician. Ethnic background: White British.

Rihanna said that she needs to lose weight and get fit because she has high cholesterol. Her medical condition is called hyperlipidemia. It developed around three years ago and it is a condition that runs in her father’s side of the family. Rihanna goes to the hospital for check ups every three months and every day after dinner she takes statins. Her younger sister also has the condition and takes the same medication.

Rihanna regularly sees a dietician that weights her, talks to her about the kind of things she should be eating and gives advice on exercise. Rihanna and her mother find the recipes the dietician has given them very useful and easy to follow. The whole family is trying to eat healthily and Rihanna said that they have vegetables everyday. She takes packed lunch to school which includes a piece of fruit.

Rihanna has recently started attending a community health programme once a week that aims to help young people to lose weight. Regarding physical activities Rihanna does PE twice a week, goes out to play with her friends in the park and does a lot of running around. She is joining a badminton club soon. Her mother said that she basically needs to do a lot more exercise. She is hoping to do a lot of swimming in the summer.

Rihanna is very clear about her reason for wanting to lose weight – basically a medical one. She said that she does not want her blood to contain too much fat because it can lead to death. In terms of body shape she would like to be a medium size but it is her health that concerns her most.

While Rihanna eats the right type of food at home and is physically active, her weight fluctuates and the reason is that sometimes she eats those things she shouldn’t like sweets. The main thing that makes it hard to lose weight is that at school her friends eat things that she can’t have and she find it hard especially when offered things to eat. She said that in those situations she just wants to fit in.

Rihanna and her little sister have a condition that affects their cholesterol. It runs in their father’s side of the family. (Animated clip).

Age at interview 13

Gender Female

Rihanna has problems with her legs and it affects the way she walks. She is on statins to lower…

Age at interview 13

Gender Female

Rihanna goes to hospital every three months for blood tests to check her cholesterol levels. She doesn’t mind taking medication but worries about her condition getting worse. (Animated clip).

Age at interview 13

Gender Female