Depression and relationships
Every young adult we interviewed said depression had significantly altered their relationships with other people. For many, the state of these relationships served as an important way to gauge the power depression had over their lives, and their own ability to cope with it.
This part of the website explores the impact that depression had on peoples’ relationships with family members, friends, and intimate partners. See ‘Building relationships that work when depressed‘ for an exploration of strategies people used to strengthen their relationships, both old and new.
Relationships as a gauge for the impact of depression
Many people we interviewed said depression made their interactions with other people more difficult. Pete warned that when depressed, encounters with almost anyone – strangers, family, friends – just ‘leave you irritable.’ To avoid being subject to the opinions of other people, James recommended that ‘if you’re depressed you should just treat yourself and take yourself out; when you’re depressed you don’t want anybody to judge you’. Often, social connections suffered and turned into social isolation because when depressed, young adults felt unworthy of other people’s attention; so misunderstood that relationships seemed meaningless; or unable to muster the energy to interact.
Because he felt unworthy, it was hard for Brendan to trust the relationships that he had created.
Whitney felt that her parents never really understood how depression altered her life
Depression holds Sierra Rose back from all sorts of relationships.
‘Unbreakable’ bonds with family
Being on good terms with family was very important for many of the people we talked to. For some, feeling at peace with relatives provided a tranquil center in the midst of other turbulent relationships. Sam and Colin both described feeling ‘huge relief’ when stresses with parents could be set right. Family was also seen by some as offering secure protection against depression – a source of unconditional support, whatever the future would bring.
Sara’s grandmother was a vital source of support, even though she didn’t really understand how Sara’s depression felt.
Depression fractured some family ties for Mara, but others survived.
People described several ways depression further challenged family ties. Some people chose to hide their suffering from parents and other family members so that they would not worry, and ended up feeling distant as a result. As Tia put it, when her depression was at its worst she ‘didn’t want to share that feeling with my family because of I didn’t want them to worry, but my friends I kind of told them.'
For Jason, being close to his family helped buffer his depression, but also magnified his suffering when he could not be more open with them.
Tensions from depression during Violet’s teen years had strained some and torn other family bonds.
Elizabeth found that her adolescent depression caused lasting damage to her family ties.
A new generation helped restore Pete’s family connections and self-esteem.
For Colin, depression eroded even the most loving family relationships, but over time they began to recover.
Friends are an easier source of support and understanding than family for many people. Long-time friendships can mimic the reliability of family relationships in a helpful way. Megan, for example, talked about two long-time friends who were ‘always there to talk to me and always supported me’ as reliably as any family.
A number of people described wishing for friends whose lives seemed happier, more stable and more ‘on track’ than their own. As Jeremy put it, ‘I like being around happy people; their energy is always appreciated.’ (See ‘Building relationships that work when depressed‘). But these types of friendships often felt hard to manage while dealing with depression. Sophie says she had friends who didn’t know how to react to her depression, ‘and they would distance themselves and I would be kind of confused and sometimes that made it worse of course because they wouldn’t talk to me anymore and it’s because I didn’t know how to deal with either so I don’t blame them but it was hard.'
As she grew older, Whitney found it harder to hide the ways in which her depression had delayed her from getting what her friends had already achieved.
Elizabeth worried about losing her friends if she revealed her depression.
When Jackson went public with depression, friends pressured him to take medication.
Maya’s most trusted friends were those who shared her struggle with mental illness.
Kate befriends people with depression, but finds these relationships somewhat fragile.
People described their relationships with primary partners as sharing some features of friendships, and some of family. However, the stakes are often higher. On the upside, intimate partners can be the mirrors through which young people more clearly see themselves and their mental health. On the downside, the ending of romantic relationships can feel traumatic; many of the people we talked to described how these endings triggered or deepened their depression.
Intimate relationships are characterized, at least in part, by close proximity. But such closeness poses challenges when depression dramatically alters moods. As Kate noted, ‘When I am in a relationship, I might not be consistently talking to them or I might not be consistent in the way that I approach them . There’s a lot of patience I need from them.’ The need for patience extends to sexual intimacy too, because those suffering from depression may be ‘the type of person that can switch from normal and everything’s great and then all of a sudden you have no desire what so-ever.’ Several people talked about how their mood swings made it crucial to tell partners about depression so as to avoid misunderstandings and tensions so deep that they threatened the relationship.
Elizabeth says the relationship she had when most depressed suffered greatly because at the time she could not talk about her depression.
Sally did eventually tell her partner about her depression and the relationship survived, but she wished she had told him sooner.
A partner who also struggled with emotional problems offered Leanna a source of understanding, support and insight
Having a partner struggling with mental health issues worsened Sam’s negativity about himself.
Having a partner who was depressed was hard for Violet, but it also made her address how depression affected her own relationships with others.
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