The organ donation specialist nurse
When organ and tissue donation is being considered, a team of donation and transplant specialists are called in. The specialist nurse (or donor co-ordinator) is...
Funeral ceremonies in the UK take many forms. They differ according to a preference for burial or cremation, and in line with any religious beliefs or affiliation. Deciding whether the deceased person will be buried or cremated is an extremely personal decision. For some people we interviewed it had been important to have a burial service so there would be somewhere specific they could visit and think about the person. For others having a cremation had been important.
Personal experiences of funerals can be found on ‘Intensive care: experiences of close family and friends‘, ‘Bereavement due to traumatic death‘ and ‘Bereavement due to suicide‘.
When organ and tissue donation is being considered, a team of donation and transplant specialists are called in. The specialist nurse (or donor co-ordinator) is...
Everyone grieves and deals with bereavement in different ways and most people feel many different emotions at various times and stages, including anger, guilt, sadness...