Interview 29
His partner's mother was admitted to ICU after an accident in the home. He lived with them at the time and tried to provide emotional support.
Doorman, single with four children. Ethnic background/nationality; Mixed Race.
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His partner's mother was admitted to ICU after an accident in the home. He lived with them at the time and tried to provide emotional support.
Doorman, single with four children. Ethnic background/nationality; Mixed Race.
In 2005 her partner had a car accident and spent over four months in ICU. She visited daily while her mother looked after her new baby.
Finance controller, engaged with one daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
His wife had emergency surgery to remove a kidney. He found it difficult to discuss his feelings but received comfort from sitting alone in the hospital chapel.
Gardener, married with two adult daughters. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
In 2006 his partner spent four weeks in ICU because of pneumonia. He visited her every day, sharing the visiting with his partner's parents.
Managing director, engaged, no children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Her mother had cardiac arrest. She spent nine days in ICU and now lives with her daughter. She received a lot of support from her family.
Kitchen manager, married with two adult daughters. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
In 2006 his 79-year-old wife was admitted to intensive care. Their daughter was their main support and they are now moving to live near her.
Retired from working for the milk marketing board, married with one adult daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
In 2006 her sister-law sadly died in ICU after having an accident in her car. She visited her daily and took care of all the practical matters.
Retired GP, married with three adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Her husband had cardiac arrest and was admitted to ICU. She is his full-time carer and worries about leaving him on his own because of his memory.
Retired teacher, married with three adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Her daughter was admitted to a ward and her son-law to ICU after they had a car accident. She stayed in their home so she could visit.
Hospital doctor, married with three adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
His husband was admitted to ICU before and after a kidney pancreas transplant. She spent three weeks travelling to the hospital as well as working.
Secretary, married with four children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.