Finding support around inherited MND
This section covers people’s experiences of finding support from others around inherited MND, including: Support from family members Talking to friends and colleagues Peer support:...
This section covers people’s hopes and perspectives around research and clinical trials, as well as experiences of taking part. It includes:
Some of the research discussed is about MND generally, not specific to inherited forms, but people also talked about trials targeting certain gene variants.
There is a lot of research into the causes of MND, including genetic factors, and possible drug treatments and interventions (such as ventilation) to slow the disease process down or improve quality of life. So far researchers have yet to find a cure or a way to reduce the risk of the disease or prevent it completely.
Individuals had different approaches to seeking information around research in MND. Some didn’t want to know too much, had other things to focus on, or found information hard to find or difficult to understand.
Others were interested to keep up with the science and wanted to know about what was going on. The most common types of research in MND are:
People often talked about wanting to take part in research and clinical trials to contribute to finding a treatment or cure for MND, both for their own family and others affected by the disease. Some people were hopeful that they or the next generations of their family could benefit. Another motivation was to feel useful and contribute to something bigger, especially where people felt in a unique position to help. For some it was a way of taking back some control from the condition.
Taking part in research and trials was particularly important for some people who had received a positive pre-symptomatic genetic test result. Anthony said, “each of my kids has got a 50% chance, you know? So, your number one goal has to be to get a cure”. Jade’s approach is, “life isn’t always fair, and everything happens for a reason… I’ve just got to get on with it and… do what I can do, and hope they do find a cure, if not for me, for my children”. Lillian’s view was “I just feel I need to do something… being busy and being active and trying to help”.
A few individuals who had received a negative pre-symptomatic genetic test were also keen to take part in research and had offered to be a control sample for family members.
Not everyone knew that research and trials were happening around inherited forms of MND, or had seen anything they would be eligible to participate in. Covid-19 has also affected research and some people had been unable to participate in studies because they were on hold due to the pandemic. Knowing where to find information about research opportunities was not always easy.
Adam wants to take part in research but feels the information on what is happening is “verbose and hard to get into”. He said, “I want to take part in anything, really, if it seems to be credible, obviously. I don’t need to know too much. It’s just like, what is the aim here? What is the greater good? What are the downsides?”.
Many people said they’d be very happy to be invited to take part in research, but so far no-one had approached them.
People had worries and concerns about taking part in research and trials, though not everyone felt these would stop them. Some people might be willing to participate in certain studies depending on what was involved. Concerns were based around:
Some of the people we spoke to had taken part in research and trials around MND. Taking part had involved different activities, from cognitive tests, physical tests, MRI scans, answering surveys, giving samples including blood and urine and some people had had a lumbar puncture. A few people felt worried about having a lumbar puncture, but Lillian finds it is taking part in cognitive tests that makes her anxious; it brings her worries about inherited MND to the front of her mind and even though she knows she won’t be given the results, she questions if her tests will show any early symptoms or changes.
At the time of her interview, Dani was involved in a clinical trial targeting the SOD1 genetic variant. Taking part involved being given a drug every 4 weeks through lumbar puncture (either the active drug or a placebo) and being monitored for side effects and changes in symptoms. Dani felt “really well looked after” and enjoyed the study visits.
People who had taken part in research found value in participating. Lizbeth took part in a study and said, “I felt like I was taking back some control of my life then, I was doing something about it rather than letting it happen to me”.
People were hopeful that there will be a treatment or cure for MND in the future. JW summed up, “The dream is that they can prevent it ever happening. The second dream is that they can cure it. The third dream and the least, but would still be lovely, is that they can introduce some form of relatively straightforward way of delaying it. In that order”. Other people also felt hopeful that people with inherited forms could be among the first to benefit, and emphasised developments in gene therapies.
For people living with the disease, this was particularly urgent. David said, “my challenge is can I survive long enough to experience the benefits of the research into my genetic mutation… I don’t know”. A similar feeling was described by some people living with an increased risk of developing MND, who felt hopeful that a treatment would be developed in time to benefit them, or at least the next generation of their family, if they should develop symptoms. Lillian said, “it’s almost like holding your breath”. Whilst it could be exciting to hear about research progress it could also be difficult to think, “why couldn’t it happen when my mum was alive?”.
For some people, a treatment or cure still feels “a long way off”. They pointed out that the process of testing and approving treatments takes many years, even if effective, which could be frustrating. A few people felt that MND research had not been given enough priority in the past. However, people felt positive about the momentum of MND research and progress in understanding the disease. Mary said, “it does look a bit more positive than when my dad had it…They seem to be really pushing it forward now”.
You can read more about attitudes to taking part in biobanking and clinical trials, including the views of the general public and people affected by a range of conditions.
This section covers people’s experiences of finding support from others around inherited MND, including: Support from family members Talking to friends and colleagues Peer support:...
People talked about getting involved in raising awareness and fundraising for MND-related causes, as well as volunteering. This section covers: Fundraising and raising awareness Volunteering...