Your attitude to discovery
Although the discovery of high blood pressure (hypertension) caused concern, many people were pleased that it had been diagnosed because the monitoring and medication could help to prevent serious consequences, such as a stroke.
Describes how it is difficult to deal with high blood pressure where there are few symptoms to…
Specific benefits of finding out include that it can be seen as an early warning that the person should try to take things more easily and make beneficial changes to diet and lifestyle, such as eating less salt, losing weight and increasing exercise.
Considers she was lucky it was picked up as early as it was.
A woman who had decided that she would rather not use conventional medical treatment was pleased that it had been picked up, because it gave her the chance to try to control it (through complementary medicines) before there were any serious consequences.
Explains how she would rather know about it now than deal with complications later.
On the down side, some people wondered if perhaps it would have been picked up earlier if their doctors had been more vigilant. Moreover, one patient said they would have preferred it if they had not found out at all, and even then that it may be hard to accept that they really have it, since many people have no symptoms (see ‘Finding out you have high blood pressure’).
It was often the case that those who were having investigations for something potentially more serious had a different attitude from those who were picked up routinely.
This disbelief was sometimes heightened in people who felt they didn’t have a ‘hypertensive personality’ – if they believed that they had a healthy diet and lifestyle and no high blood pressure problems in their family.
Comments on how being diagnosed with hypertension was so frustrating after such a healthy lifestyle.
Also, once hypertension has been discovered it cannot be ‘unknown’ and the person may become preoccupied and worried about the consequences.
Describes his initial scepticism about Hypertension but then the differences it made in his…
Furthermore, some were daunted by the prospect that medication was likely to be needed for the rest of their lives and that it could be difficult to find treatment that does not have unpleasant side-effects. On the other hand, a number of patients were not particularly worried, though this was mostly because they originally knew little of the adverse effects of high blood pressure (hypertension).
Concludes that she took the diagnosis in her stride.
Explains that he wasn’t that worried initially but now he is more aware of the damage…
For more information on high blood pressure see our Resources and Information section.
Last reviewed December 2011.
Last updated December 2011.