Getting information about heart attacks
Having a heart attack is one of the things people most fear. When it actually happens to you, the fear becomes a reality. Knowing that...
Sex is safe for most people after a heart attack. If walking briskly up and down two flights of stairs does not cause pain or undue breathlessness then sex should also be symptom free.
But some people may be worried that it will trigger another heart attack, or they may have lost interest in sex. If people are concerned or having problems, they should talk to the doctor or the nurses. Many support organisations offer information and advice about sex after a heart attack (see ‘Resources’ section).
People who have faced a near death experience may feel a greater need for sexual intimacy. For one man and his wife, the need for sexual contact became more important after his heart attack.
Sometimes if people feel depressed or anxious, it can take a while before they feel ready for sexual activity. One woman had lost her confidence and didn’t feel good about herself, so she hadn’t wanted to resume her sex life for a long time after her heart attack.
Some fear that having sex will cause another heart attack. One man who had had a recent heart attack had been concerned at first, but his worries soon passed. Another recalled that his wife was worried that he might hurt himself but they overcame any problems by talking to each other. One woman said that it was hard at first but things did improve with time.
Those who have had bypass surgery may be conscious of the physical change to their bodies. One woman said she felt very conscious of the scars on her chest and leg but had overcome her feelings with support from her husband.
Problems with erections in men after a heart attack may be the result of emotional stress or medication, such as beta-blockers. People experiencing this problem are advised to talk to their GP or the cardiac nurse because it may be possible to change medication or to prescribe medication specifically for erectile dysfunction. Such drugs as sildenafil (Viagra) are generally safe following heart attacks unless the person is taking a nitrate drug for angina. None of the men we interviewed mentioned that they had experienced this problem.
Having a heart attack is one of the things people most fear. When it actually happens to you, the fear becomes a reality. Knowing that...
It may be possible that actually having a heart attack is less frightening than having it happen to someone you love. Many people mentioned that...