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Interview 20

She has had two children (1st and 5th pregnancies), 2 miscarriages and 1 stillbirth. She has ended 2 pregnancies. 2nd pregnancy' anomalies detected at dating scan, so she was scanned regularly. By 18 weeks multiple abnormalities evident- sent for amniocentesis. Pregnancy ended by induction. Post mortem identified multiple pterygium syndrome - a genetic disorder caused by both parents having recessive gene. 4th pregnancy' IVF treatment, scanned at 10 weeks and anomalies detected- sent for amniocentesis. Pregnancy ended at 17 weeks. Amnio identified Down's syndrome.

  • Background

    Pregnancies ended in 1996 and 1999. No. of children at time of interview’ 2. Ages of children’ 8, 2. Occupations Mother – mother, formerly civil servant, Father – economist. Marital...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 25

    She has had 3 assisted pregnancies. 1st pregnancy in 1992, first scan was at 20-weeks, detected anomalies. CVS identified cystic fibrosis. Pregnancy ended by induction at 23 weeks. She has had 2 children since the termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1992. No. of children at time of interview’ 2 + [1]. Ages of other children’ 9, 7. Occupations Mother – mother, formerly IT consultant, Father’ IT consultant....

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 01

    Mother of 4 children. She became pregnant for 5th time in 1993. Amniocentesis detected the baby had Down's syndrome. The pregnancy was ended by induction at 19 weeks.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended 1993. No of children’ 4 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 25, 23, 19, 17. Occupations Mother – speech therapist, Father – TV designer. Ethnic background’...

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 09

    Her 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan found baby had anomalies. Preliminary diagnosis after specialist cardiac scan was that baby had serious heart defects. Pregnancy ended by induction at 24 weeks. Post mortem revealed baby had hypoplastic left heart syndrome and an unbalanced chromosomal translocation (Robertsonian translocation of 13 and 14). Genetic counselling found that mother and her mother are carriers of a chromosomal disorder or translocation of the chromosomes. Since termination she has had another baby.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1996. No of children 2 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 11, 5. Occupations Mother and Father – employed. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White...

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 28

    She has polycystic ovaries so took clomid. Experienced 3 miscarriages then conceived twins. 5th pregnancy' 11-week scan detected twins. Nuchal scan at 14 weeks indicated twins had Down's syndrome. 2 CVS tests done at specialist centre, Down's confirmed in one twin. Selective reducation of one twin by feticide at 15 weeks. Other twin continued to term.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1995. No. of children at time of interview. 3 + [1]. Ages of other children’ 12, 12 and 9. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father – insurance broker....

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female