Pressure from friends to drink and take drugs
Peer pressure is the idea that young people take drugs or drink alcohol because of pressure from other people their age. There were some examples...
Michelle, Sophie and Tara felt that they were not well supported by their families, they said that their mothers weren’t interested in them or were ‘too strict’. They relied more on their friends to listen to their problems and offer support but they would regularly drink alcohol and take drugs together. See also Family relationships, drugs and alcohol.
Some of the young people we spoke to said they drank or took drugs as a result of being in difficult relationships. Tara had previously been bullied due to her weight issues and had low self-esteem so was thrilled when she got an older boyfriend. He and his friends made her feel under pressure to take drugs. Charlie and Mary-Ann also took drugs to forget the problems in their relationships.
Depression and low mood were often mentioned as reasons for drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Alex suffered from depression and anxiety, he used alcohol to feel secure and to build up his confidence. Sam said that he often felt ‘down’ as a teenager and wonders if his depression was triggered by the use of drugs, or if it was the other way around. Craig has experienced depression since he was twelve but one of his main reasons for using drugs was ‘rebelling’ against his diabetes – something he has lived with since he was a baby. Feeling lonely, insecure and like they didn’t ‘fit in’ at school also affected some of the young people we spoke to. See Drugs and mental health for more information on the link between drugs and depression.
Some felt that they drank alcohol and took drugs because they were unsure ‘who they were’ as people and didn’t have any plans for the future.
However, through their experiences, the people we talked to had learned that using drugs or alcohol doesn’t solve difficult family, relationship or emotional problems. They said that people who are having problems should keep away from drugs and alcohol because it could make things worse (see Advice to other young people).
Peer pressure is the idea that young people take drugs or drink alcohol because of pressure from other people their age. There were some examples...
All of the people we talked to had been offered drugs, or knew where they could get them, but some had chosen not to take...