Cervical screening resources
Cervical Screening England nhs.uk/Conditions/Cervical-screening-test Cervical Screening England invites all women between the ages of 25 and 64 for a free cervical screening test every three...
Senior Research Fellow, is a medical sociologist. She has worked in health research in academic and NHS sectors for over ten years. She obtained her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Surrey in 1998.
Research Fellow at Kings College London. Kathryn is a medical sociologist and anthropologist, now working on the topic of ethical dilemmas for staff working in preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
Advisory Panel
Alison Boyland
Patient Representative
Anthony Silverstone
Consultant, UCLH
Catherine Dickens
Head of Information, Macmillan Cancer Relief
Charlotte Cox
Patient Representative
Gill Marsh
Senior Nurse, Colposcopy Clinic
Joan Austoker
Director, Cancer Research UK PCERG
Julietta Patnick
National Co-ordinator, National Screening Programme
Mark Charnock
Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Nancy Parkinson
Gynae Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Sally Wyke
Foundation Director, Scottish School of Primary Care
We would also like to thank Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust for all their help and support in updating the site including permission to include some of their illustrations.
Supported by:
NHS Cervical Screening Programme
Macmillan Cancer Support
Grant holders:
Sue Ziebland
Ann McPherson
Cervical Screening England nhs.uk/Conditions/Cervical-screening-test Cervical Screening England invites all women between the ages of 25 and 64 for a free cervical screening test every three...