Professional care at home

Many people choose to care for their relative or friend at home for as long as possible. There are a range of sources of support which can make it easier for the person to stay at home and systems set up to provide the necessary medical treatment that the person needs.

Care from health professionals

Some people received nursing care at home from district nurses who are provided by the NHS. The carers presented a varied picture of the quality of care received from district nurses, with many people being very happy with the care and support they received and others being disappointed and in some cases appalled.

Lynne was angry that the district nurse had dismissed her mums complaint of a sore mouth. When…

Age at interview 53

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The main role of the district nurse was to provide medical care such as changing dressings, inserting and checking catheters and syringe drivers, providing continence pads and taking blood samples. Some people found that district nurses could just be limited to providing medical care and because they were short of time they could seem abrupt or impatient. Many, however, felt that their district nurse also provided a great deal of emotional support. Sarah was impressed by the district nurse who had visited regularly at the end of her mother’s life.

Dick praised the district nurses who were friendly, very good at providing the medical supplies…

Age at interview 55

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The district nurse nagged her to make sure she was taking time off and was very caring.

Age at interview 66

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The district nurse encouraged Fiona to make a list of things that she might need to help her care…

Age at interview 55

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GPs had also been a great support to some people, helping to signpost them to sources of support and taking an interest in the carer’s wellbeing. Sarah’s GP reassured her that she had taken on a lot and said she must look after herself and look after her own health and wellbeing.

A new GP who had taken over Unas husbands care had been keen to learn about motor neuron…

Age at interview 62

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Whilst most people found that their GP had been willing to visit at home, a few had felt frustrated when their GP had been reluctant to do a home visit. Jane had trouble persuading an out of hours GP to visit her husband when he had severe breathing problems and was not well enough to leave their home.
Medical care could also be provided by different specialist nurses depending on the person’s condition or the symptoms of their terminal illness. These included respiratory nurses for people with breathing difficulties, who could arrange for the provision of oxygen or in some cases assisted ventilation (see Home adaptations, Equipment supply and transport for more on discussion of respiratory equipment), and nurses who could advise on continence issues and insert catheters. People with Motor Neurone Disease were sometimes seen by a specialist neurological nurse and people with cancer or another terminal condition sometimes had support from a Marie Curie nurse or a Macmillan nurse. These nurses were also highly valued by carers for their wide ranging advice and support including assistance with getting benefits, advice on hospice care, advice on getting equipment and assistance with getting regular pain medication administered when required. People often felt that these nurses cared as much for the carer as they did for the person who was terminally ill.

The Macmillan nurse was a great support for both Katie and her sister-law Sarah and sometimes…

Age at interview 43

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Henry found the Macmillan nurses extremely helpful and practical and said that they were a great…

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Other health professionals were sometime involved in care provided at home, including physiotherapists, speech therapists, optometrists and podiatrists. All these professionals could play important roles in easing the symptoms of the person who was dying, for example keeping people mobile or helping them to communicate if their speech was affected. Some, however, felt that their support came too late or was not frequent enough to be useful.
At the end of life some people also had input from a palliative care nurse or a hospice at home service who could arrange end of life care at home, including administering pain relief and sedatives.

At the end of life the Iain Rennie nurses were able to administer a drug to relax Rogers wife…

Age at interview 67

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Simon described how the palliative care nurse would come in whenever his wife needed her pain…

Age at interview 39

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Care from professional care workers

Friends or relatives of terminally ill people who are providing care at home for the sick person can, if they wish, get help with caring tasks from professional care workers. This can be provided by social services free of charge for those on lower incomes with limited savings, or obtained through private care agencies or self-employed care workers can be hired directly. Care that people got from professional care workers included help for short periods each day with getting their relative dressed and washed and sometimes helping them with going to the toilet. In some cases household chores such as preparing meals and cleaning was also provided, and some people had one or more live-in care workers. While people mostly welcomed this help and were able to accommodate the change, others saw this care as being intrusive of their personal space.

Georgina did not like having a live-in care worker and felt like she was on egg shells in her…

Age at interview 47

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Finding the right type of care worker was important, particularly finding an experienced one who would respect the carer’s and family’s usual routines, and having good continuity, rather than different care workers all the time.

Susan was worried her mother who had Alzheimers would find having different care workers…

Age at interview 72

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Tricia felt that the quality of care varied, particularly the care workers ability to recognise…

Age at interview 59

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Finding someone who could deal with personal care issues in a dignified and respectful way was important. This sometimes meant finding a care worker who was the same gender as the sick person. Heather’s sick husband liked her to stay in the room when the care workers were helping him and got upset when they asked her to leave.

Sue realised he mum was getting worn out caring for her dad and was relieved when they found a…

Age at interview 63

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Emma felt that one of the good things that care workers did was to ask you to leave the room when…

Age at interview 44

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Jacqui used the time when the care workers were there to be with her daughters. She thought it…

Age at interview 60

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The quality of care could vary hugely; many people had been extremely happy with the care workers whilst others had struggled to find ones that were reliable and had to keep trying different sources.

Dick employed care workers for his wife through the Direct Payment System. He initially struggled…

Age at interview 55

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One of the most common complaints was care workers turning up late. Whilst this did not always present problems, it could sometimes mean that the sick person was left in bed or had not had their incontinence pads changed; it could also make it difficult for the family carers to plan any respite time. Peter (Interview 33), who cared for his young daughter, felt that the professional care workers were not always trained to look after a younger person.
Several people built up strong relationships with their professional care workers and said that they had been very emotional when the person died and had sometimes attended the funeral.

Having professional care workers coming in could give the family carer some respite time. A carer’s centre helped provide Heather with a care worker who had been an RAF nurse, whom she felt confident leaving her husband with while she went to the gym.