How breast cancer in women affects others
Although some women talked about their illness only with family, many others discussed their diagnosis with people outside the family, including friends, colleagues and neighbours....
Lymphoedema is a type of swelling of the arm or hand that sometimes happens as a result of breast cancer treatment.
Cancer or its treatment can affect the fluid drainage channels of the lymphatic system. Fluid doesn’t drain in the normal way, so the area swells. It can occur if the lymph nodes in the armpit have been removed by surgery, or if a woman or man has had radiotherapy to the armpit. It can develop months or several years after treatment. It can be painful and make it difficult to move your arm.
Lymphoedema is more likely if the person has had both surgery and radiotherapy to the underarm. About 1 in 5 people (20%) will have lymphoedema of the arm after breast cancer treatment. (Cancer Research UK 2017)
Here women we interviewed discuss their experiences of lymphoedema.
Some women were given verbal or written information about lymphoedema after surgery and radiotherapy and recommended precautionary measures. Precautionary measures include:
Others, though, said that they knew little or nothing about lymphoedema until their own experience. For these women having lymphoedema came as a shock.
Some woman said lymphoedema caused them a lot of anxiety. There is help for those who develop lymphoedema and women should talk to their GP or consultant if they are finding it hard to deal with and they can be referred to specialist lymphoedema services.
Many women described the swelling they had and difficulty with clothing. Most visited lymphoedema clinics where they were fitted with sleeves that eased the swelling. Although many were pleased with the care they were given, one woman had a misunderstanding with staff, but noted improvement to the affected arm on wearing a sleeve.
Several women discussed the massage they received to reduce lymphoedema. Others talked about the exercises that were recommended to them.
Some women said they learnt more about lymphoedema after experiencing the discomforts of frozen shoulder and cording.
Healthtalk has a whole site on breast cancer in men, for more information see Breast cancer in men.
Although some women talked about their illness only with family, many others discussed their diagnosis with people outside the family, including friends, colleagues and neighbours....
Women discussed various complementary therapies, as well as dietary and lifestyle changes. Although many tried different complementary approaches at various times, for one woman complementary...