Medication and treatment for asthma: tablets and other treatments
Inhalers are the most common treatment for asthma, with different types to relieve symptoms and to prevent them from happening. There are a number of...
Some people we interviewed had tried using treatments and therapies such as yoga, acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, Buteyko and other breathing techniques. There is little scientific evidence that these types of therapies are effective, especially used on their own. Asthma UK recommend that it is better to see them as complementary and working alongside conventional medicines, rather than as an alternative.
Mary has been thinking about seeing a nutritionist, and has also tried reflexology in addition to her usual treatments. Faisal takes a number of supplements to his diet mainly because he finds it difficult to lose the extra weight he thinks he has gained through using steroid treatments.
Jenny says that she sometimes feels a bit frustrated when people who have no health problems suggest that she should use natural remedies instead of the steroids.
Inhalers are the most common treatment for asthma, with different types to relieve symptoms and to prevent them from happening. There are a number of...
The aim of treatment for asthma is to get symptoms under control and to prevent further problems. The goal is to support and encourage people...