What is a needs assessment?

This page covers:
• What a needs assessment is
• Reasons why people had a needs assessment
• Some of the benefits of a needs assessment

People who pay for their social care are entitled to support and information from their local council adult social care department. This includes a free needs assessment. A needs assessment helps build a picture of the help and care a person needs.

Ian takes part in a study in which the researchers are also his healthcare professionals. In his experience, a valuable relationship had developed and helped him get through some tough times.

Age at interview 54

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Age at diagnosis 51

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Some people who expect to pay for their care themselves ask for a financial assessment from adult social care to find out if they will get any help towards funding. A needs assessment will be carried out before a financial assessment.

Jenny, a senior researcher, describes why cohort studies are important.

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Gary’s wife, Jackie, keeps on top of his changing care needs as he has a condition where his abilities are steadily declining and change from day to day, but she does ask for help from the local council sometimes.

Ronald used to get Christmas cards but has not had any for several years and doesn’t know if the study is still going on. He has never received any other information and missed out on attending a reunion which he would liked to have gone to.

Age at interview 66

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When a needs assessment is carried out, a qualified person, such as a social worker, will visit the person needing care to see how they are managing everyday tasks. A family member or friend can be with them during the visit if they wish.

Nadera began participating in a cohort study when she was pregnant with her third child because she wanted to give back to her community and help future generations of mothers.

Age at interview 39

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Some people we spoke to said the needs assessment helped them understand what care they should to put in place.

Mr S and his wife, who was pregnant at the time, were approached about a birth cohort study. He had seen posters about the study before, but didn’t know too much about it.

Age at interview 35

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If the needs assessment shows that the person assessed would benefit from having care, experts from the adult social care department can help them to find and arrange care, even if the person will be paying for that care themselves.