Looking after other people’s money

This page covers:
• Why family or friends became involved with managing someone else’s money
• Examples of what people did to manage money and spending

When older relatives started to need help at home or to pay for care, family members often became more aware of their relatives’ finances and how well they were managing them. This helped with managing paying for care but also helped in other areas as well, such as getting better deals on utility bills and spotting possible scams.

Getting the best returns on money

Some older people had quite large sums of money in the bank. For example, when people moved to a care home and sold their house, there could be significant sums of money to deal with. Families were often responsible for finding the best place for the money to give good returns to help pay for care.

Eisha filled in questionnaires about her diet and emotional wellbeing for a parent and baby cohort study she took part in.

Age at interview 32

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Some older people recognised that they were struggling to manage their money and asked their partner, children, or someone else they trust to help out. When people started to look after their loved ones’ affairs, they were often shocked to find things had been neglected for a while. Sometimes people were paying much more than they should for goods and services. When family members started to look after their accounts they were able to get better deals on utility bills, insurance and other household spending. This could all help with paying for care.

Lucy asked the researchers in her study for some advice about a large mole which had been damaged but didn’t feel she got a helpful answer.

Age at interview 30

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If family lived a long way away, they found it particularly difficult helping parents with their household and care management, including paying care bills. It helped to have a trusted local person to keep an eye on things.

Lucy has been in a study since birth. Her mum made the appointments with the researchers and this continued as she got older.

Age at interview 30

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Preventing unwise spending and scams

Family members were also worried about their older relatives being scammed or over-spending. Having Lasting Power of Attorney for finances was helpful and it could also be re-assuring for the older person to know that a family member was checking their accounts.

Alan Z sees cohort studies as having an important role in understanding health in relation to lifestyle and diet.

Age at interview 86

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