
Steph started restricting what she ate when she was 13. This developed into anorexia nervosa which she struggled with for about 8 years. She is now fully recovered.

Steph says she was always a sensitive child and very close to her Mum. At the age of 9, Steph lost her older sister to meningitis, and didn’t get to speak to anyone about it when it happened. When Steph was 13, she decided to start losing weight. She became very driven to eat less and exercise more, and liked it when people complemented her on her appearance. At 14, Steph’s Mum took her to the GP who eventually referred her to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service). Steph received Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which Steph found helpful in dealing with her grief.

However, she still had issues with eating and Steph saw a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with anorexia nervosa and agoraphobia. First, Steph had outpatient treatment, followed by several lengthy hospitalisations over the years. During this time, Steph had relapses and her weight fluctuated and she had to be fed through a nasal gastric tube. At one point Steph was so ill she was only days away from organ failure.

The turning point for Steph came as she was at home and had another relapse. She had a light bulb moment; when she realised that she wasn’t getting anything from her eating disorder and she had nothing lef of her life. From that moment on, Steph became determined to get better. She remembers feeling sad that she was leaving her eating disorder behind, frightened of the unknown, but mostly excited that she would become the real Steph; again. Recovery was slow and gradual, and at times hellis, but Steph never looked back. Steph found it helpful that throughout her illness, her parents always distinguished between Steph as a person, and the anorexia as an illness.

Steph loves music and is learning to play the organ and teaches piano lessons. She used to play the piano whilst in hospital, and also took her flute in to play. Steph is a B-eat Young Ambassador, and wants to let people know that you can get better from being very ill with an eating disorder. She says letting go of her anorexia is the best thing she has ever done, but that nobody can force you to get better, you have to want to do that yourself. Steph says that it is important for a person to feel that everyone is working together against the eating disorder, and not against the person.

Steph used to exercise obsessively in hospital even with the nasogastric tube in. She had sores…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Getting her social life back on track was a gradual process for Steph. She says much of it was…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph could understand why her parents were still worried about her. They had lost one child and…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph felt that it is essential to be treated as an equal. Although people’s thoughts might seem…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

To get better, you need to realise eating disorders give you nothing.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph remembers making a decision to start losing weight when she was on holiday. Things…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph felt that being fed by NG tube was a relief but she was also scared not to be able to…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph played the flute and the piano on the hospital ward. It was an important outlet and helped…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

Steph says her home life was always great and she had supportive parents. Everything changed when…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14