Peter – Interview 01

Peter doesn’t distinguish between legal and illegal drugs. He thinks the first substance he tried was alcohol. When drunk he tends to forget what happened and this worries him. He smokes cannabis regularly but his main concern is alcohol.

Peter doesn’t distinguish between legal and illegal drugs and said that probably the first one he tried when he was fifteen was alcohol. As a teenager, he drank only occasionally, less than once a week. Buthe became a heavy drinker between the ages of 18 and 20. There was also a period of a few months where he would drink every day and get drunk two or three times a week.

Apart from alcohol, Peter said that the other drugs he has experienced have been tobacco, cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy but he mainly continues using cannabis. He tried ecstasy once and used cocaine on occasions when he has been drunk, but he was not really interested in them.

From the age of fourteen, he and his friends from school started smoking cannabis because they were curious and it was easily available. They would usually put their money together to buy some and smoked it with tobacco. Peter said that from the age of sixteen he started to smoke it more regularly. And for the last eleven years he has continued smoking cannabis. How frequently he uses it varies; sometimes he only smokes at weekends and other times every couple of days. He prefers to smoke it in the company of friends rather than on his own.

Peter has no concerns about the possible health effects of cannabis. He believes that alcohol does more harm than cannabis. In fact, his main concern is what he called his unhealthy’ relationship with alcohol. He is worried about his behaviour and regular blackouts when under the influence of alcohol, where he is unable to remember anything afterwards. Peter tries to avoid situations that may end up with him drinking a lot so he doesn’t go to bars or clubs regularly. Hesometimes goes to the pub with his mates from work at lunchtime, but other times he goes to the gym instead. Peter says that the influence of alcohol on British social life is massive’ and lads feel under pressure to drink even when they would prefer not to.

Peter works full-time and has one child. He believes that his cannabis smoking doesn’t harm anybody. The mother of his child blames his cannabis use for their relationship break-up but he disagrees with this.

Peter feels more pressure to drink a lot when he’s out with other young men. He says that even bar tenders seem to disapprove when he orders a non-alcoholic drink.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter uses cannabis regularly and doesn’t have any problem fitting in with different groups of…

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter and his friend managed to get hold of alcohol despite being under-age.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter got very drunk and ended up in trouble with the police after he got into an argument, involving an air rifle, with some neighbours.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter felt light headed after his first joint and wondered if it was the effect of smoking…

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter has concerns about carrying cannabis but is more worried about the police associating him with his friend, a dealer.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter had ‘blackouts’ during lunchtime drinking sessions at work and couldn’t remember what he’d done once he’d sobered up.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter’s ex blamed his cannabis use for their relationship problems but he says the problems were still there when he quit.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter explains why he was so bored and easily distracted at school but managed to get the training he needed later on.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter started smoking weed at a time when he was socialising a lot.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter started smoking cannabis more regularly when he was able to buy it from his cousin.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter is programmer and says that smoking weed helps him to come up with solutions to technical problems at work.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Peter thinks that it’s difficult to prove either way if cannabis causes schizophrenia.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male