Kathy – Interview 31

Kathy was diagnosed with diabetes just before the interview. She was controlling it with diet and exercise.

Kathy was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when she was 71. She is married with children and has one adult son. Kathy is a trained nurse and now works as a sculptor.

Her diabetes was diagnosed when she went for a routine health check, though she had been feeling very tired for some time before that appointment. Kathy wonders whether the strain of her husband’s illness may have triggered her diabetes. At the time of the interview, Kathy was not taking any medication and was managing to control her blood glucose levels with diet and exercise.

Kathy and her husband have an allotment and grow their own vegetables and she cares passionately about the quality of food she eats. She still occasionally eats fish and chips or Chinese takeaways but otherwise says her palate has been successfully ‘re-educated’.

Kathy does not take any medication for her diabetes and has found it quite easy to change her diet.

Age at interview 71

Gender Female