Work and education issues for people with depression


Most people we talked to could work in the long run, despite being affected by depression. Many said their work was satisfying and rewarding. Nevertheless, many depressed people cannot work, and this could add to their negative feelings about themselves. Many needed to be signed off by a doctor while depressed, and resumed work when they got better. Interestingly, people can feel that taking time off work for depression is not legitimate, and they struggle to accept the situation.

After having mania and being released from hospital she had debts and became depressed, and so…

Age at interview 39

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Age at diagnosis 18

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Found it hard to accept that depression was a legitimate reason to be off work, felt guilty and…

Age at interview 30

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Age at diagnosis 26

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Whether or not people could continue to work as they did before depression depended on the severity of their depression, what work they did and the flexibility of their employers and work environment. Most people worked full time or claimed benefits to live, but some we talked to had changed to less demanding jobs, taken up voluntary work, reduced their work or retired early (see also ‘Life and money issues of people with depression‘).

Some found that anxiety and depression made it harder to find and keep work. Depression can affect confidence and ability to concentrate, which can increase anxieties about returning to work. Being able to return to work gradually could help people to regain confidence. As discussed in the summary ‘Distraction, activities and creativity’, voluntary work can also help people to regain confidence and get back into the workforce. Although being out of work can contribute to negative thinking, people can also bounce back well after being out of work.

Her depression lifted but left her lacking confidence, yet she was fortunate to be able to…

Age at interview 43

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Age at diagnosis 37

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Even though he thought redundancy would affect his mental health, it did not, and he got another…

Age at interview 73

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A number of people had met situations at work they could not cope with. The build-up of work pressures contributed to depression for several. Some people actually ‘flipped out’ at work when they were very stressed. Some had even been bullied at work, which could contribute to depression. When the boss is a bully, it is particularly difficult to cope (for more information see MIND’s guide how to be mentally healthy at work).

She loved her work and was a perfectionist, but after redundancies at work she was doing…

Age at interview 43

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Age at diagnosis 40

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Found she couldn’t cope with a situation at work, broke down in tears and went home sick.

Age at interview 43

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Age at diagnosis 39

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Even though the proposal he was working on was successful, he had to work with a man who he…

Age at interview 45

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Age at diagnosis 45

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Her boss was a bully and people were relieved when he wasn’t around. Her anger towards him turned…

Age at interview 50

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People with depression don’t always lack support at work. Some companies recognise their duty of care to protect employees from stress and bullying’ some people described colleagues and bosses who were most understanding about their depression, and tried to support them.

She was not getting the help she needed to do her work, her director had been bullying her, but…

Age at interview 43

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Age at diagnosis 40

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Her boss was very supportive, and organised her work so that she could cope with her tasks.

Age at interview 60

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Age at diagnosis 27

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Schools often dealt badly with people who were different (e.g. highly intelligent, sensitive, homosexual). People who were considered different sometimes had to deal with the negative messages directed at them. Some found that even teachers were unfriendly towards them. Like workplaces, the schoolyard had its bullies. Bullying could be so distressing that some thought about suicide to escape it. Events at school could affect people into their adult lives. For instance, one young woman still had trouble speaking up after she felt discouraged from speaking up in school as a child.

He was bullied in secondary school and felt school was a nightmare. He sometimes thought of suicide.

Age at interview 50

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Negative reactions to her speaking up in class as a child make her still unwilling to speak in…

Age at interview 27

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 16

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Moving from primary into secondary school could be difficult for some, yet others could rise to the challenge. Similarly, while some people took to university life well, others found that they lacked the skills to cope. Many very bright school students found that they were quite average among all the other bright students at university. Some came to accept that ‘somewhere in the middle is OK’.

Although intelligent and hoping to enjoy University, he couldn’t organise himself there or…

Age at interview 35

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Age at diagnosis 17

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Several people said that exams added to their anxieties and stresses. One bright woman gave up university after her first year because she could not cope with the anxiety that accompanied exams. Others did not study for exams because they lacked interest and were depressed. Some who dropped out of higher education returned to study later in life.

She was very bright, but her anxiety about her exams was so extreme that she quit University.

Age at interview 50

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Many people knew of other students with depression, even students who had been in hospital for it. One woman guessed that half of her friends from university had depression that was ‘worse’ than hers. Fortunately most students with depression could access counselling on campus.

Her tutor had to be told about her suicide attempt and was sympathetic – many students had mental…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

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Depression: stigma and mental health

Stigma happens when someone is labelled in a way that hurts their standing in the community and encourages people to consider them as less than...