Interview AN19

Normal first pregnancy, routine screening experiences, including combined nuchal scan and blood test.

She felt it was important for health staff to imagine themselves in the patient’s place and…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

She was well informed about the availability of the combined nuchal scan and blood test, but her…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Staff had informed her clearly about screening options but she knew other women who had been less…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

They were impressed by the professionalism of staff carrying out their nuchal scan and felt well…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

She knew scans were not just for parents to see their baby, and felt doctors had a responsibility…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

She and her husband agreed they would have chosen to end the pregnancy if the baby had Down’s…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

A friend who had a child with Down’s syndrome worried about what would happen to the child when…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Looking back she felt more explanation of the purpose of the 20-week anomaly scan would have been…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female