Genetic testing after a diagnosis of MND
To date, scientists have identified single gene causes for around 70% of cases of inherited MND, meaning around 7 in 10 people with inherited MND...
People diagnosed with MND may be offered genetic testing to find out if they carry a known genetic variant responsible for the disease, particularly where they have a family history of MND or frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This section covers people’s experiences of sharing genetic test results, including:
Even where people knew or suspected there was an inherited form of MND in the family, finding out the name of the genetic variant could be significant new information for people with MND and family members, in some cases confirming that other relatives could be at an increased chance of developing symptoms in the future.
Some people felt it was important that family members were kept up to date with genetic test results so they could consider options around pre-symptomatic genetic testing or inform decisions about having children. People shared genetic test results in a range of ways, including in person, over the phone, by video call, or by post. Not everyone could remember how they passed on this information.
David discovered that sharing genetic test results was a lot for family members to take on board.
Hugh explained to his family that he was having genetic testing after his diagnosis of MND, which his consultant felt was most probably an inherited form based on his family history. Although his result was negative (meaning his condition is not caused by one of the genetic variants linked to inherited MND which have been identified to date), he feels he made the right choice in keeping them informed.
Whether sharing their own results or those of a family member, some people took the approach of asking their relatives if they wanted this information before they told them. Given the implications for their relatives, they felt it should be an individual choice.
Another person agreed it was important to respect that their relative didn’t want to know the name of the gene variant in the family, but nonetheless found it hard to understand their point of view. If things changed in the future, for example if a preventative treatment was developed, they would try again to open up a conversation.
Conversations around inherited MND can be very sensitive and cause tensions in the family. Being given genetic test results may lead to difficult decisions over who has a responsibility to share this information, and who ought to be told.
One person was given the results of her mum’s genetic test by her consultant, which confirmed that her mum’s condition was caused by an inherited gene. The consultant did not tell her mum, who had also been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and they agreed that it would be best to wait to share this information with her dad, who was under a lot of pressure as her mum’s primary caregiver. Deciding whether she has made the right decision in not sharing this information has been an “added burden”, “Do you tell your dad for your own benefit, or not? So, I’m not. And there will be a day I’ll tell my dad but it’s not going to be while mum’s alive…unless he asks me directly. I won’t lie to him”.
Knowing whether to share information with extended family can also be difficult. One person struggled to know whether to tell his mother’s cousins, whose own father had died young, that they could have inherited the C9orf72 gene variant. He said, “If I was a gambling man, I’d suggest that they don’t know it was genetic… But going back to the ethics and headspace of it all, is it right that myself and my wife pick the phone up and say, ‘You know…. your side of the family could all be at risk from Motor Neurone Disease’?… I struggle with passing on something of that magnitude”. Another person questioned how to tell distant cousins about the C9orf72 gene variant in the family. They felt it was important to share this information in the right way, “it’s quite a delicate thing and I don’t want to rush into it, I want to just ensure I do it correctly and with the best emotional support that there is”.
Decisions over sharing information with (extended) family could also be difficult where a gene variant hadn’t been identified. One person knew her cousins, who lived abroad, had been told that their father’s illness wasn’t genetic, even though she and her sister were told by a geneticist it most likely was. She isn’t in close contact with them and hasn’t passed on this information. Find out more about experiences of talking about inherited MND in the family.
To date, scientists have identified single gene causes for around 70% of cases of inherited MND, meaning around 7 in 10 people with inherited MND...
Living with MND, whether an inherited form or not, means adapting to changing symptoms and the progression of the disease. We spoke to people about...