
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Pakistani
Background: Razia is [age] and is Pakistani. She is married and has three children. She worked in government services and is setting up a business. Razia found out she was pregnant early during the pandemic. She was concerned about the impact of Covid and the pandemic on her pregnancy. She caught Covid in January 2021 and was in extreme pain. Her baby also suffered from breathlessness. She is living with long Covid symptoms, and finds the brain fog a particular challenge.

Razia heard about Covid in early 2020, but didn’t really pay much attention to it because it was happening on the other side of the world;. She found out she was pregnant with her third child soon after. She found the uncertainty around the impact the pandemic was going to have on her pregnancy care difficult. Two of her siblings also had babies during the pandemic, so they were able to share experiences.

When the first lockdown eased Razia and her husband decided to maintain a more cautious life, because they weren’t sure about the potential impact of Covid on Razia’s pregnancy or the baby. After she had the baby the country went into another lockdown. This was difficult because it meant she lost her social network – everything around you changes, that support network can’t be there and you need them;.

Razia remembers that she and her husband felt a bit under the weather; in January 2021. A few days later she woke up in such pain that she felt like she;d been battered with a baseball bat head to toe;. This lasted a few days and was like a terrible flu;. Her baby also had some symptoms and was struggling to breathe. It was difficult to get professionals to take the baby’s symptoms seriously, but eventually a GP recognised that he might also have Covid and he was referred for further tests in hospital.

Razia’s husband recovered from Covid within ten days, but she was affected by longer term symptoms which lasted several months. Brain fog, breathlessness and fatigue were particularly challenging for Razia. The brain fog was worse than anything she had experienced before, saying it’s not just forgetting why you;ve walked into a room or forgetting where you;ve put the keys, it’s actually bigger than that, it scared me;. She was frustrated with the difficulty of getting an appointment at the long Covid clinic.

Though lots of life plans had to change because of the pandemic and the long-term effects of Covid, Razia was grateful that her children were healthy and happy. She took strength from her religion, and listened to Islamic hymns to help her meditate and relax.

Razia’s brain fog causes her to continuously forget things, which makes her fearful about caring for her children on her own.

Razia could not find any information about Covid during pregnancy.

Razia thought she was just under the weather until she woke up with terrible body pain.

Razia’s mother wanted to be with her at the end of her pregnancy, so she went through the difficulties of international travel.

Razia’s husband is a taxi driver. To address their worries about him bringing the virus home he changed clothes and showered as soon as he came in from work.

Razia has a busy life with small children and doesn’t really watch the news.