Training needs for involvement

There has been growing attention to the training needs of patients and members of the public who get involved in research, but less so to the training needs of researchers. The NIHR INVOLVE website provides a useful set of briefing notes for researchers, and offers workshops for NIHR trainees at the annual trainees’ conference. In Wales, Involving People offers similar resources. Some face-face training courses are intended to be for both patients and researchers together (such as Macmillan Cancer Support’s ‘Building Research Partnerships’ courses) – see ‘Resources‘.

However, little formal training for researchers has been developed. Some universities and regional Research Design Services are now organising training, but this may be restricted to local staff, and researchers are not always aware what is on offer. Training needs are one of the issues raised in the NIHR’s strategic review on involvement, ‘Going the Extra Mile’. At the moment there is little consensus on how researchers’ training needs should be assessed, who should develop training courses, what the content needs to be, and how training will be funded and quality assured.

Many researchers we talked to had felt thrown in at the deep end to learn on the job (see also ‘Learning from experience of involving patients and public‘).

Sarah A trains other researchers in PPI but never had formal training herself. Training needs to be about managing relationships as well as basic practical advice.

Age at interview 32

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Catherine had no formal PPI training and used NIHR INVOLVes website to teach herself. It would be useful for more people to be trained, but all researchers should feel able to give it a go.

Age at interview 29

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Jen thinks early training in communication skills would be valuable for new researchers. Members of the public would also benefit from training to make science more accessible.

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The people skills’ needed for involvement don’t always come naturally. Training young researchers and providing PPI clinics’ where people can seek basic advice can help.

Age at interview 31

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There were mixed views about the need for training, and what the content would be if training were offered. Several people recommended it should form a part of all research and health professional training. Those who recommended training thought it could help with practical matters (such as how to recruit people for PPI, payment, how and where to set up meetings) but also more relational skills such as good chairing, communication skills and managing emotions and difficult conversations, and also the principles and purpose of PPI.

Researchers and healthcare professionals need training and mentorship in involvement from the earliest stages of their career.

Age at interview 42

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Alice recommends training in how to involve people, for whom the research may be a very emotional issue.

Age at interview 26

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Researchers need more training for involvement but Gail is unsure we know yet what good practice looks like. Case studies would be helpful.

Age at interview 42

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People from a lecturing background who are new to research would benefit from involvement training.

Age at interview 51

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Rebecca reflects on managing difficult conversations and emotions, and ensuring everyone gets a chance to speak. Junior researchers may lack confidence to manage conflict.

Age at interview 31

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Some researchers had experience of training in mixed groups of patients and researchers and thought this was a helpful strategy for mutual understanding. Hayley noted that researchers might find involvement quite daunting; joint training with patients and the public could be one way to reduce their fears.

Jim found the mix of patients and researchers at a Macmillan Building Research Partnerships training workshop helped both groups learn together.

Age at interview 52

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Researchers who have already done PPI can pass on good practical tips, and getting researchers, patients and public in the same room to discuss misunderstandings can help.

Age at interview 40

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Catherine and Valerie both thought training would be useful, but wondered whether those who most need it would be the people least likely to attend. (See also ‘Colleagues’ attitudes to patient and public involvement ‘).

Training in how to do involvement and understanding its value would be useful but Valerie suspects people who would go to training would be those who are already convinced.

Age at interview 39

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Catherine would love to see more training in basic good PPI practice, but senior researchers who need it might not attend. Small acts by a good chair can make a big difference.

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The need for formal involvement training for individual researchers was questioned by some. Anne was sceptical about ‘formal guidance and training’ and said, ‘It’s just common sense, really, isn’t it? It’s about how you interact with people professionally.’ Alison felt it was more about ongoing support than specific training, and Sabi argued for the creation of a whole organisation culture or community of practice. A common theme was that, whilst some formal training might be useful, learning by talking to and observing colleagues and from one’s own hands-on experience was just as important, if not more so. This is explored further in ‘Learning from experience of involving patients and public‘.

Sabi worries that training in involvement risks being a reductionist, cookbook’ approach. It’s better to create a community of practice where PPI is the natural way of operating.

Age at interview 50

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Researchers will learn best about involvement if it’s taught early in their career, and they can observe others with more experience first before they are expected to do it.

Age at interview 52

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Training for patients and members of the public

The question of whether and how to train patients and members of the public for research involvement is explored in more detail from their perspective in our section on ‘Patient and public involvement in research” From a researcher’s perspective there were mixed views. There were concerns that training patients and the public could make them too close to the researchers, losing their fresh perspective (see also ‘Long term involvement and ‘professionalisation”). There was also a sense that patients and family members already had the expertise they needed to contribute, their expertise by experience, so training in research methods was less important. At the same time, many researchers felt it was unfair to expect people to contribute without giving them some basic understanding about research methods and terminology, and the research environment, and maybe some training in how to communicate their perspective effectively. Some tasks such as serving on ethics committees or reviewing funding applications might require some specific learning.

PPI is about building partnerships over time, and supporting and training people to get involved. Wanting everyone to be completely naïve’ is unrealistic and devaluing.

Age at interview 32

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Whether patients need training depends on the type of involvement. Suzanne sometimes thinks people don’t need training to bring their personal experience to the discussion.

Age at interview 40

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Illness experiences stay with you for a long time. A bit of training is not going to suddenly wipe that out. People with training and experience can challenge more effectively.

Age at interview 49

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We owe it to people who get involved to help them develop skills. It doesn’t mean they lose their carers’ perspective or their experience becomes less valid.

Age at interview 39

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Catherine worries that some people may become too expert, but equally they need some training to give them confidence and skills to contribute.

Age at interview 29

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There was some feeling that involving people who are not sufficiently trained might be damaging, both for the research and the individuals involved. Some researchers argued that there were limits as to the level of training it would be reasonable to expect, and that not everyone who became involved wanted an in-depth knowledge about research. While they could see an important role for involvement, ultimately researchers had to retain control over the quality and rigour of their research methods. The issue of researchers’ control over who gets involved is also considered in ‘Colleagues’ attitudes to patient and public involvement‘ and ‘Finding people to involve in research‘.

Alison feels researchers have to remain in control of the research methods. It would be hard to find time and resources to train people to a good enough level to do analysis, for example.

Age at interview 47

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Poorly trained lay people (not necessarily patients) on ethics committees who don’t understand the reality of research can be an unnecessary obstacle.

Age at interview 59

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The training patients and public need depends on the task and what’s expected of them. It can be embarrassing if they are asked to do something they have not been trained for.

Age at interview 32

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John thinks people who get involved need to be smart but they also need some training. Some areas of medical research are too complex for training, but patient input can still help.

Age at interview 59

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See also ‘Long term involvement and ‘professionalisation” and ‘Doubts, worries and debates about involvement‘.

Skills needed for involvement

We discussed with researchers what skills they felt they needed to work effectively with patients and members of the public. Ceri and Eric summarised many...