Finding out you have high blood pressure
Dr Lehman explains what high blood pressure is and why it should be treated.
People found out about their high blood pressure in many different ways and at different times in their lives. For the people interviewed, date of discovery spanned between 6 months and 45 years before the interview. Women had their high blood pressure picked up in a variety of different ways- during pregnancy, while attending a cervical smear test, a mammogram and an HRT check. Other women found out when having general medicals or during investigations for dizziness and other health problems.
Describes how she discovered she had high blood pressure, and some of the symptoms she experienced.
Explains how they discovered high blood pressure after a smear test.
Describes how she discovered she had hypertension.
Several men discovered their high blood pressure as a result of general investigations or for other ongoing problems such as migraines.
Explains how high blood pressure was discovered after routine check-ups.
Explains how hypertension was discovered after a general check-up.
Explains how high blood pressure was discovered after visiting the doctor with migraines.
Explains how a problem with his kidneys led to the discovery of high blood pressure.
Employer and insurance medicals were also responsible for the discovery.
Describes how initially there was no action after his diagnosis but then he was given medication.
Explains how he was surprised to find out about high blood pressure in a life insurance medical…
Others were affected by specific incidents, which led to them seeking medical help; these included pains in the arms after cycling, an epileptic fit and one man who lost all feeling in his side after he had a Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) and was taken to hospital.
Explains how after cycling she had pains and the doctor discovered the problem.
Describes how after an epileptic fit he was admitted to hospital and his blood pressure increased.
Explains that his condition was discovered after a mild heart attack.
One man discovered he had raised blood pressure completely by chance, when he was attending an exhibition with a blood pressure monitor on display.
Describes how he first discovered that he had hypertension.
Another, with a particularly vigilant GP, had his blood pressure tested when he was accompanying his wife to her appointment.
For more information on high blood pressure see our Resources and Information section.
Last reviewed December 2011.
Last updated December 2011.