
LeaSuwanna was diagnosed with HIV while pregnant with her second child and was advised not to breastfeed at the time. The guidelines have changed since then and she is planning to breastfeed her unborn baby.

LeaSuwanna was diagnosed in 2003 during her second pregnancy. She breastfed her eldest child, before her HIV diagnosis but was advised not to breastfeed her second child. LeaSuwanna was heartbroken to not breastfeed her second child and still feels sad about it. She took the medication to suppress milk production, but it took three attempts for it to work. Despite the disappointment of not being able to breastfeed, LeaSuwanna feels she still bonded well with her second baby – she would hold her close and stroke her face, just like she had done with her oldest child. Her cousin had a baby at the same time as her, and occasionally breastfed LeaSuwanna’s baby as well.

LeaSuwanna was surprised by her latest pregnancy because she had thought she was experiencing menopausal symptoms. She feels very well informed about recent research about HIV and infant feeding and is determined to breastfeed her new baby. LeaSuwanna is aware that her family members might want to introduce her baby to different foods, so has made plans about how to avoid this while she is breastfeeding.

LeaSuwanna had a recent bad experience in an antenatal appointment. A midwife offered her the usual antenatal screening tests, which included HIV, so LeaSuwanna told her that she was already HIV positive. The midwife was noticeably alarmed to hear this and immediately went to consult another two midwives. She came back to tell LeaSuwanna that she would have to be seen by someone else, and her appointment was cut short. LeaSuwanna made a complaint about this, and later the clinic apologised.

LeaSuwanna is an active HIV advocate and open about her status.

LeaSuwanna breastfed her first baby (now in his 20s) before her HIV diagnosis; she was heartbroken when she could not breastfeed her second child (now a teenager).

Age at interview 43

Age at diagnosis 26

LeaSuwanna feels there would be scientific evidence available if men had to breastfeed rather than women.

Age at interview 43

Age at diagnosis 26

LeaSuwanna initially told her close family about her HIV diagnosis and now lives openly with HIV.

Age at interview 43

Age at diagnosis 26

LeaSuwanna’s HIV medications were changed to avoid drug interactions.

Age at interview 43

Age at diagnosis 26